Best usb microphone for singing 2019
Best usb microphone for singing 2019

best usb microphone for singing 2019

It’s best to spend where it counts, and in my opinion it’s not a bad thing to spend on comfort. Someone could easily step on a fallen mic without even noticing, and that could be all kinds of bad. You don’t want that to happen, especially if you’re going to be spending several hundred dollars on a quality mic. It could end up shifting around and even falling off. You should also be aware that if the performer wears glasses, it can be challenging to find a microphone that sits on their ear comfortably and properly. Quite a different story if the performer must wear it for two hours every Sunday morning. That may not be a big deal if the mic is only being worn by the performer for 30 minutes on occasion. ComfortĪt lower price points, you’re probably going to get mics that aren’t as comfortable to wear as premium products. With headset mics, you basically get what you pay for, so don't forget that. So, I suggest that’s what you search for. They want something with good definition and a pleasing tonal spectrum. They don’t want boomy or brash (though you can certainly dial out those frequencies if the mic overemphasizes them). With microphones, I find people are generally looking for that elusive balance between warm and crisp. So, here are a few things I would consider if I was looking to buy a headset/headworn microphone: Quality SoundĪ quality microphone will sound great out of the box, and in the hands of a skilled audio engineer, it will sound even better.Ĭonversely, a low-quality microphone won’t sound that great out of the box and will require a lot of tweaking just to get to an “acceptable” level.Īlso remember that sound isn’t just dependent on the microphone – the sound system plays a huge role in how it all comes across too.

best usb microphone for singing 2019

You're probably someone that likes to carefully consider their options. There aren’t necessarily a lot of products to choose from in the headworn microphone category, but I can certainly appreciate that you don’t make buying decisions lightly.

Best usb microphone for singing 2019